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140 The Bible According to Einstein
The eleventh book of Chronicles, called
Science without religion is lame;
religion without science is blind.
-- Albert
Chapter I: Einstein's Life and Work
And on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany,
Albert Einstein, the scientific version of a prophet and a saint,
was born.
Now at the age of five, Albert was presented with a
compass from his father.
And Albert turned the compass in a circle.
But the needle did not turn -- the needle remained
pointing to the north.
And this had a profound effect on this young mind,
for hitherto Albert had thought that contact
was needed to make things move.
And so Albert concluded that something
deeply hidden had to lie behind
the physics of the world.
And in the case of a compass needle,
that hidden, deep and mystical thing was magnetism.
And at the age of ten,
Einstein engaged in self-taught education -- he
read Euclid and learned the
rudiments and fine points of geometry;
he studied books on science and developed
scientific curiosity.
Now his father owned an electric factory in southern Germany.
dynamos were manufactured to produce direct
currents for consumption.
And one day Einstein went out to tour the plant.
And there, he saw moving conveyor belts,
rotating wheels, turning gears and glowing bulbs.
Thus he observed electricity in action
and magnetism in the making.
And in a tangible way did he learn
what electromagnetism was about.
And at sixteen years of age,
he began to ask himself deep physics questions.
For example, he asked,
"What would it be like to ride a beam of light?"
But at this early age, he had no answers.
Thus already in his youth did he devote himself to thinking
of the riddles of the Universe.
And later
he would devote himself to solving them.
The year was 1905. And
Einstein postulated that light consisted
of particles called photons.
And he
proposed the theory of special
whose basic assumption was the constancy of the speed of light
when measured by any constant-moving observer.
And he predicted that mass could be converted
into energy and vice versa.
Thus the relation between mass and energy,
was established.
And he had the answer to the question
of riding on a light beam: it could not be done,
for no one can move at or faster than the speed of light.
143 Special relativity
is a generalization of Newtonian mechanics.
It predicts that objects travelling near the speed
of light behave quite differently from slowly moving ones.
It also unifies space and time into one entity.
For more on this theory,
see the New Testament Book of Special
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